China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Infrastructure Development in Nigeria
Abstract: This paper specifically explores the impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) infrastructure diplomacy in Nigeria, with a particular focus on two crucial sectors: ports and railways. It analyzes the challenges and conditions that have led to delays and abandonment of previous projects awarded to China in the past decades. Through the lens of complex interdependency theory, this paper discusses the push and pull factors that motivated the execution of BRI projects in Nigeria and how they mutually benefit the actors involved. Furthermore, it utilizes primary and secondary data gathered through Key Informant Interviews and documented sources. On the strength of the findings, this paper concludes that the BRI, unlike past Chinese projects in Nigeria, has significantly enhanced the development of infrastructure by modernizing the Nigerian railway facilities and constructing the first deep seaport in the country.
Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative; infrastructure development; Nigeria; railways; ports.