Summer 2023
Caught in the Clash of Titans: A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Vietnamese Strategic Hedging
Abstract: This paper looks into the case of Southeast Asian states’ policy of hedging toward the U.S.-China competitionChina’s Geopolitical Strategy: Crafting a New World Order
Abstract: In the intricate tapestry of global geopolitics, China's ascent as a potential preeminent power in a new wThe U.S. Factor in China–Iran Relations: A Historical Perspective on Beijing’s Dual Policy
Abstract: The China–U.S.–Iran relationship offers an intriguing strategic triangle in which the United States has alwaThe Evolving Regional Strategic Environment and Pakistan’s Quest for Strategic Equilibrium
Abstract: China's emergence as a key player in global politics and the declining role of the United States as a supeNew Era of Pakistan’s Embrace of China: Impact on Pakistan-U.S. Relations
Abstract: This paper delves into the interdependent relationship between China and Pakistan and its implications for re